STYLIZED ARABESQUE SHARKI / Lebanese Simon (2hr All-level)

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STYLIZED ARABESQUE SHARKI / Lebanese Simon (2hr All-level)


Friday July 5th, 3:00-5:00p

This workshop highlights the stylization of the Sharki Arabesque movement through significant figures of raks sharki stars dating back to the golden era. Simon’s signature arabesque will also be covered in drills focusing on arm technique hip work and footwork. This is an essential Sharki class with history and creativity.

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  • Difficulty: All levels welcome!

  • Please bring: Your favorite reusable water container. L&C DOES NOT ALLOW DISPOSABLE WATER BOTTLES ONSITE.

  • Optional: Dance shoes, exercise towel, yoga mat, or a pad and pen for notes.


$50 (service & transaction fees included)

Scholarships available!
